Shia Muslims

Photos, Videos and Documents About Shia Muslims

Shia Muslims

Photos, Videos and Documents About Shia Muslims

Shia Muslims

Here I want to introduce the pure beliefs of Shia Muslims, the second largest branch of Islam which we believe it is the correct interpretation of Islam. Shia take its religion from the Prophet Muhammad and his Ahle-Beyt which are 12 Imams: Ali, Hassan, Hussein and 9 descendants of Imam Hussain.
The last Imam, Mahdi(AS) is still alive, but hidden. We expect him to be appeared in the near future Insha-Allah

۶ مطلب با کلمه‌ی کلیدی «Sunni» ثبت شده است

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Is there a Quranic reason to prove that Shiite (Shia) is the true sect of Islam or Sunni?

Of-course! there are several verses in Quran which can be used to prove Shia are right or Sunnah (Sunni).
The main difference between Shia and Sunni is the subject of Imamat; Shia says Imam is chosen by Allah and He must say to his prophet who is the Imam after him. They say that the prophet Muhammad assigned Ali (as) as his Imam. On the other hand Sunni brothers say that Imam must be chosen by a council and Abubakr is the Imam after the prophet. Here I prove that Imam must be chosen by Allah not a council.

Imamat in Quran - Shia or Sunni

Imamat in Quran

Quran says :
Indeed, I will make you an Imam for the people." [Abraham] said, "And of my descendants?" [Allah] said, "My covenant does not include the wrongdoers (Quran 2:124)
In another place, in Shora chapter, Quran says:
And their affair is [determined by] consultation among themselves (Quran 42:38)
Sunni Muslims use this last verse and claim that Imamat is an affair of Muslims and they must select an Imam by consultation. However the first verse says that Imamat is not an affair of people, its an affair and covenant of Allah and He must assign the Imam.

So, Imamat (leadership) is covenant of Allah not affair of people, and Imam must be chosen by Allah, not by consultation .

More images about Shia Islam: Shia Truth
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shia sunni unity week, birth of prophet muhammad and imam sadiq - zakzaky - nigeria - zaria
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Congratulations on birthday of the  Prophet Mohammad (12 or 17 Rabi' AlAwwal) and unity week between Muslims.
Also congratulations on birthday of the Prophet Jesus Christ that this year coincided with birth of Prophet of Islam. We hope Imam Mahdi make Muslims and Christians unite together, because Imam Mahdi's mother was a christian before marriage.
O Allah send peace upon Muhammad and his Ahle-Beyt and expedite their appearance.

اللهمّ صَلِّ علی مُحمَّـدٍ وَ آلِ محمَّـدٍ وَ عجـل فَرَجهــم

خدایا بر محمد و اهل بیتش درود فرست و فرج ایشان را نزدیک فرما

  • Shia Muslim
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We have said many times that today's denominational discord among Muslims is a weapon and a trump card in the hands of our enemies. This is completely clear to those people who are well-informed about global developments. Such denominational discord is a sword in the hands of our enemies. Publicizing differences, expressing them in an outspoken way and speaking about issues which fuel fitna is one of the means which our enemy makes maximum use of.
Now if we act in a way that the enemy's goal is achieved, this is changing #Allah's favor for ungratefulness. In religious ceremonies, denominational discourse should not be highlighted. How many times should this be repeated? We have said this many times, but some people do not want to listen.
What do you do if you want to guide those people who do not believe in your denomination and your true beliefs? Do you begin to curse and speak ill of their sacred beliefs? This will make them completely drift away from you and it will destroy all hopes of guiding them. The way to guide them is not this.
Well, we are proud that we are Alavi Shias. We are proud that we have gained understanding about the position of Wilayat. Our magnanimous Imam Khomeini (r.a.) carried the flag of the Commander of the Faithful's (a.s.) Wilayat and this became a means for the world of Islam - whether Shia or non-Shia Islam - to feel proud of Islam.
Now, should we do something to turn this feeling of pride and the interest of the world of Islam in #Shia community and Shia honor into enmity, hostility and grudge? This is exactly what the enemy wants. We should not allow him to achieve his goal.
Ayatollah Khamenei, 20/04/2014
Ref: at Google+
Friendship between shia and sunni brothers
  • Shia Muslim
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Dear Shia brothers world wide, Please do not curse (لعن) Caliphs and Other Sahabis that are important among Sunni brothers. Our supreme leader, Imam Khamenei, prohibited this and you must know that: 


Some Takfiris, play recordings of your Majalis in their meetings and at the same time decapitate several Shia Muslims while its playing. So, please don't buy Jahannam for yourself. I heared this statement from an informed source...

We are all Muslims and must respect each others.

ترجمه فارسی:
شیعیان عزیز در سراسر جهان،لطفا خلفای اهل سنت و برخی اصحاب پیامبر را که در نزد اهل سنت محترمند، لعن نکنید. رهبر عزیزمان، آیت الله خامنه ای این امر را حرام کرده اند. خوب است بدانید که :
هر لعنی که شما در مجالس خصوصی و عمومی که ضبط می شود، انجام می دهید = سربریده شدن یک مسلمان شیعه در پاکستان، افغانستان و عراق و سوریه
برخی تکفیریها مثل سپاه صحابه پاکستان، نسخه ضبط شده مجالس برخی مداحان تندرو را در بین جمعیت تکفیریها پخش می کنند و در حین پخش سر شیعیان را می برند، آنقدر که پخش ویدیو تمام شود. دوستان عزیز، جهنم را برای خودتان نخرید. خداوند در قرآن فرموده حتی به بتها و خدایان جعلی کفار دشنام ندهید، چرا که آنها هم به خدا دشنام می دهند. حالا شما چگونه فحش دادن علنی به خلفای اهل سنت و جناب عایشه را حلال می کنید؟ بنده موضوع سپاه صحابه را از یک مسئول رده بالای کشوری شنیدم. لطفا به عقاید و سنتهای یکدیگر احترام بگذاریم و بدانیم که هیچ مسلمان سنی با لعن و نفرین، شیعه نمی شود. 

ایها الشیعة فی العالم، لا تلعنوا الخلفاء الراشدین و الصحابة النبی الذین هم محترمون عند اهل السنة. زعیمنا العزیز، آیة الله خامنئی، یحرّمون هذا الامر. هو الجید لنعرف أن:
لأی اللعن تقولون فی مجالسکم الخاصة والعامة  = الحصول على قطع رأس مسلم شیعی فی باکستان وأفغانستان والعراق وسوریا
یرجى احترام معتقدات کل المسلمین و نعرف أنه لا ینقلب مسلم سنی الی الشیعة، مع لعنة.
  • Shia Muslim
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Twelver Shia Muslims have five principles:

  1. Tawhid (توحید): Allah is the only God in the world.
    He is not born of anyone nor gave birth to any one, nor is any one like Him
  2. Prophethood (نبوت): Muhammad (PBUH) is the last prophet of Allah.
    Shia Muslims believe in all the Prophets that God has appointed to guide mankind.
  3. Imamat (امامت): After the prophet, there are 12 Imams,
    responsible for guidance and leadership of Muslims. They are appointed by Allah.
  4. Fairness: Allah is Fair, he doesn’t oppress anyone
    God does not punish people who have obeyed and worshipped him, and does not reward people who have disobeyed Him
  5. Resurrection: All mankind will be resurrected on the Day of Judgment
    To be judged for their actions and rewarded or punished, depending on each individual’s worldly conduct
Read more about the principles of Shia
Shia Beliefs Principles Theology: Tawhid, Prophethood, Imamat, Justice, Resurrection

  • Shia Muslim