Shia Muslims

Photos, Videos and Documents About Shia Muslims

Shia Muslims

Photos, Videos and Documents About Shia Muslims

Shia Muslims

Here I want to introduce the pure beliefs of Shia Muslims, the second largest branch of Islam which we believe it is the correct interpretation of Islam. Shia take its religion from the Prophet Muhammad and his Ahle-Beyt which are 12 Imams: Ali, Hassan, Hussein and 9 descendants of Imam Hussain.
The last Imam, Mahdi(AS) is still alive, but hidden. We expect him to be appeared in the near future Insha-Allah

۱۱ مطلب با کلمه‌ی کلیدی «Shiite» ثبت شده است

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Congratulations on birthday of the  Prophet Mohammad (12 or 17 Rabi' AlAwwal) and unity week between Muslims.
Also congratulations on birthday of the Prophet Jesus Christ that this year coincided with birth of Prophet of Islam. We hope Imam Mahdi make Muslims and Christians unite together, because Imam Mahdi's mother was a christian before marriage.
O Allah send peace upon Muhammad and his Ahle-Beyt and expedite their appearance.

اللهمّ صَلِّ علی مُحمَّـدٍ وَ آلِ محمَّـدٍ وَ عجـل فَرَجهــم

خدایا بر محمد و اهل بیتش درود فرست و فرج ایشان را نزدیک فرما

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Ashura in Google

Every time I look at Google for the word Ashura or Ashoora, I see lots of bloody photos of people who are flagellating themselves with chains of blades, sword, knife or other sharp metal things! Now the question is that:

Is Self Flagellation in Ashura Legal in Shia Religion?

Is this the truth about Shia and Ashura? That means do all the Shia Muslims flagellate themselves during Ashura? It seems so crazy and unbelievable, since I am a Shia Muslim and I never did it and never see somebody flagellate himself during Ashura in our Shia cities during my life! So why Google shows these Images in its first page and why it never filters them while they contain violent and rough images.
Answer is so clear. Google doesn't like Shia thoughts to be spread throughout the world. Google is under supervision of Zionists and it is not acceptable for them that Shia, the religion of resistance and the true enemies of Israel (e.g. Hizbullah, Iran, Yemen, Syria, Iraq) have a good face in Google results! So it shows images of Hindu men that believe in No Pain, No Gain and mutilate themselves in Muharram procession!
Self-flagellation is forbidden in Shia during Ashura
Most of those people flagellating themselves are Hindu, not Shia. Self-flagellation is forbidden in Shia according to Fatwas of their grand Ayatollahs like Imam Khamenei and Aytullah Sistani ( )
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صلی الله علیک یا اباعبدالله الحسین

Another Muharram (2015) came to us and thanks Allah for that we can again mourn for Imam Hussein (as) and his oppressed companions. May Allah accept our Azadari and write our names in list of lovers of the AhleBayt of the prophet.

Hadith of Prophet(pbuh) about Imam Hussein(as)
The prophet (PBUH) looked Hussein (as) while he was in front of him, so he sat on his knee and said: Verily the killing of Hussein makes a fire in the hearts of believers that never shuts down.

See more pictures about Shia, Muharram and Ashura in Shia.Truth channel.Hadith of Prophet Muhammad about Imam Hussein - Shia Truth - حدیث پیامبر در مورد شهادت امام حسین

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Ramadan month is reaching its end and lucky are those who made use of the opportunity of this month to be more close to Allah.

AmirAlmomenin Imam Ali (as) said:
Opportunity passes away like the cloud; therefore, make use of good opportunities
NahjulBalagha, short saying 21
Shia Truth: Hadith of Imam Ali about Opportunity
Follow us on Instagram for more Quotes about Shia: @Shia Truth 
Source: Shia Muslim blog
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Condolences on martyrdom of the first Imam of Shia Muslims, Imam Ali (as) AmiralMomenin (the grand leader of believers). He were hit on head by sword of Ibne Muljam (may Allah damn him) while in Sajdah of Morning prayer.

There is a narration which says that Imam Ali would give food to the orphans with his own hands so many times that once someone said we wished we were orphaned too so that Imam Ali would indulge us so much!  He would pay visits to the poor and the needy and the troubled and the stranded so often and so incognito that it is commonly said that it was only after he was stabbed that they just began to realize who that merciful person who would visit them and they never new him! (Ayatollah Khamenei, 31/12/1999)

A narrations from AmirAlmomenin Imam Ali (as) about thinking:
Make your heart alive by thinking and wake up at night (for worship) and be fearful of Allah, your lord
Osule Kafi, Vol 3, P 91, Saying 1

shia, shia art, shia truth حقیقت شیعه - حدیث از امام علی در باب تفکر - عکس با حدیث از امامان - با تفکر قلب خود را بیدار کن - شب قدر - Make your heart alive by thinking - Imam Ali - Night of Qadr 

Image is taken from @Shia.Truth
This post in Farsi: شهادت امام علی علیه السلام و شب قدر

  • Shia Muslim
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Recently we constructed an Instagram page to share the pure beliefs of Shia called @Shia.Truth. Some recent posts are shown here (Click on them for better resolution):

Shia in Sunni Sources

حدیث در مورد سخن گفتن - Hadith about talking

Shia in Quran

Please follow us! @Shia.Truth

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We have said many times that today's denominational discord among Muslims is a weapon and a trump card in the hands of our enemies. This is completely clear to those people who are well-informed about global developments. Such denominational discord is a sword in the hands of our enemies. Publicizing differences, expressing them in an outspoken way and speaking about issues which fuel fitna is one of the means which our enemy makes maximum use of.
Now if we act in a way that the enemy's goal is achieved, this is changing #Allah's favor for ungratefulness. In religious ceremonies, denominational discourse should not be highlighted. How many times should this be repeated? We have said this many times, but some people do not want to listen.
What do you do if you want to guide those people who do not believe in your denomination and your true beliefs? Do you begin to curse and speak ill of their sacred beliefs? This will make them completely drift away from you and it will destroy all hopes of guiding them. The way to guide them is not this.
Well, we are proud that we are Alavi Shias. We are proud that we have gained understanding about the position of Wilayat. Our magnanimous Imam Khomeini (r.a.) carried the flag of the Commander of the Faithful's (a.s.) Wilayat and this became a means for the world of Islam - whether Shia or non-Shia Islam - to feel proud of Islam.
Now, should we do something to turn this feeling of pride and the interest of the world of Islam in #Shia community and Shia honor into enmity, hostility and grudge? This is exactly what the enemy wants. We should not allow him to achieve his goal.
Ayatollah Khamenei, 20/04/2014
Ref: at Google+
Friendship between shia and sunni brothers
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In Arbaeen 2014, I had the opportunity of traveling to Iraq for the first time and participating in the largest peaceful walking in the world. Definitely this travel was my best journey during my life. A spiritual trip with many hardships but full of love for Imam Hussein (AS). About 20 millions pilgrims, 15 millions from within Iraq and 5 millions from outside, marked this Shia religious ritual. Almost all pilgrims fed up for free by thousands of volunteers in places called Mookeb... Unfortunately, news agencies were absent in this great procession, but in fact every pilgrim was a medium and InshaAllah very soon the whole world will hear the sound of Labbaik Ya Hussein!

The following photos are taken during my 6 days visit of Iraq and walking in the road of Ya Hussein between Najaf and Karbala: (Click on images for larger images. If you want better resolutions, contact me through comments. For more images see Photos of Arbaeen 2014)

شکر خدا، برای اولین بار زیارت کربلا نصیبم شد، آن هم در شرایطی که به خواب هم نمی دیدم. زیارت اربعین با پای پیاده در کنار میلیونها زائر دیگر. فضای ایام اربعین و طول مسیر پیاده روی چیزی نیست که بتوان به زبان آورد، باید رفت و دید. شاید تصاویر زیر کمی از حال و هوای بزرگترین اجتماع بشری را منتقل کند. اجتماعی که در سکوت ناجوانمردانه‌ی رسانه های خارجی برگزار شد، طوری که در کل مسیر تنها دو سه مورد خبرگزاریهای ایرانی و احتمالا لبنانی بودند که به انعکاس این رویداد بزرگ می پرداختند. (تصاویر بیشتر با کلیک روی ادامه خواندن)

Inside Haram Imam Ali (AS) during Arbaeen 2014 - حرم امیرالمومنین علیه السلام

Biggest gathering in the world - Arbaeen 2014 - بزرگترین اجتماع پیاده دنیا، اربعین 1436 


A 100 Years Old Man Walks Towards Imam Hussein (AS) Holy Shrine

Millions of People Outside Haram of Imam Hussein in Arbaeen 2014 - جمعیت میلیونی اطراف حرم امام حسین در اربعین

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Unfortunately some minorities of Shia around the world, specially in Afghanistan, Pakistan and India, mourn in the day of Ashura in Muharram in such a way that no sane person can confirm it. They harm themselves with some type of blades and say that we love Imam Hussein! 
Every year, hundreds of photos of these ceremonies are distributed over the web and if someone, unfamiliar with Shia believes, saw these pictures, he may think: o damn!, what an unconscionable religion!

However, almost all grand Ayatollahs of Shia prohibited these type of mourning. For example, Imam Khamenei, about 20 years ago said:

Tatbir is one of the wrong doings. I know some will say: “It would have been proper if he had not talked about Tatbir.” They will say: “What do you have to do with Tatbir? Some people practice it, let them do so!” No! One cannot remain silent towards such a wrong action.
It is wrong that some people hold daggers and hit themselves on the head to bleed. What are they seeking?! How can this be an act of mourning?! Of course hitting on the head with one’s hands is a sign of mourning. You have seen it several times that when people face suffering, they hit on their chests and heads. This is a typical symbol of mourning. But where have you ever seen a person who is suffering from the loss of a dear one, hit on their head with a dagger and make it bleed?! How can this be a form of mourning?
#Tatbir [#QameZani] is a fabricated tradition. It is among the issues that does not belong to the religion and undoubtedly God is not also pleased with such a practice.
The more I thought about it, the more truly I realized I cannot overlook informing our dear people about Tatbir- which is certainly an act of wrongdoing and a heresy. Do not practice it! I do not approve of it. If someone does something to pretend that they want to practice Tatbir, I will be truly dissatisfied with them. I am declaring this solemnly.
Ayatollah #Khamenei, June 07, 1994

Self Flagellation is forbidden in Shia

Tatbir In View of Imam Khamenei

This act, that is well-supported by Western news channels like BBC, CNN and others, is also prohibited in Quran:

And spend in the way of Allah and do not throw [yourselves] with your [own] hands into destruction. And do good; indeed, Allah loves the doers of good.

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Twelver Shia Muslims have five principles:

  1. Tawhid (توحید): Allah is the only God in the world.
    He is not born of anyone nor gave birth to any one, nor is any one like Him
  2. Prophethood (نبوت): Muhammad (PBUH) is the last prophet of Allah.
    Shia Muslims believe in all the Prophets that God has appointed to guide mankind.
  3. Imamat (امامت): After the prophet, there are 12 Imams,
    responsible for guidance and leadership of Muslims. They are appointed by Allah.
  4. Fairness: Allah is Fair, he doesn’t oppress anyone
    God does not punish people who have obeyed and worshipped him, and does not reward people who have disobeyed Him
  5. Resurrection: All mankind will be resurrected on the Day of Judgment
    To be judged for their actions and rewarded or punished, depending on each individual’s worldly conduct
Read more about the principles of Shia
Shia Beliefs Principles Theology: Tawhid, Prophethood, Imamat, Justice, Resurrection

  • Shia Muslim