Prophet Muhammad (sawa):
Five matters result when (another) five things
happen: If people break their covenant (with Allaah), He’ll appoint (or
send) their enemies against them; if they judge by other than what
Allaah has revealed, poverty will be spread among them; If Faahishah (unmarried relationships) is
manifest among them, sudden death will be spread among them; If they become
deceptive in trade, He will deprive them of crops and they’ll be struck
with famine; And if they withhold the payment of Zakah, they will be
struck with drought.
»رسول خدا (صلی الله علیه و آله و سلم)
خمس بخمس ما نقض قوم العهد
إلّا سلّط علیهم عدوّهم و ما حکموا بغیر ما أنزل اللَّه إلّا فشا فیهم
الفقر و لا ظهرت فیهم الفاحشه إلا فشا فیهم الموت و لا طفّفوا المکیال إلّا
منعوا النّبات و أخذوا بالسّنین و لا منعوا الزّکاه إلّا حبس عنهم القطر
»نهج الفصاحه حدیث شماره ١۴۵٧