Shia Muslims

Photos, Videos and Documents About Shia Muslims

Shia Muslims

Photos, Videos and Documents About Shia Muslims

Shia Muslims

Here I want to introduce the pure beliefs of Shia Muslims, the second largest branch of Islam which we believe it is the correct interpretation of Islam. Shia take its religion from the Prophet Muhammad and his Ahle-Beyt which are 12 Imams: Ali, Hassan, Hussein and 9 descendants of Imam Hussain.
The last Imam, Mahdi(AS) is still alive, but hidden. We expect him to be appeared in the near future Insha-Allah

۳ مطلب با کلمه‌ی کلیدی «Birth of the Prophet Muhammad» ثبت شده است

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Prophet Muhammad (sawa):
Five matters result when (another) five things happen: If people break their covenant (with Allaah), He’ll appoint (or send) their enemies against them; if they judge by other than what Allaah has revealed, poverty will be spread among them; If Faahishah (unmarried relationships) is manifest among them, sudden death will be spread among them; If they become deceptive in trade, He will deprive them of crops and they’ll be struck with famine; And if they withhold the payment of Zakah, they will be struck with drought.

حدیث از پیامبر - خمس بخمس

حدیث از پیامبر - موعظه پنجگانه

»رسول خدا (صلی الله علیه و آله و سلم)
خمس بخمس ما نقض قوم العهد إلّا سلّط علیهم عدوّهم و ما حکموا بغیر ما أنزل اللَّه إلّا فشا فیهم الفقر و لا ظهرت فیهم الفاحشه إلا فشا فیهم الموت و لا طفّفوا المکیال إلّا منعوا النّبات و أخذوا بالسّنین و لا منعوا الزّکاه إلّا حبس عنهم القطر

پنج چیز از لوازم پنج چیز است کسانی که پیمان شکنند دشمنشان بر آنها مسلط شود و کسانی که بر خلاف آنچه خدا گفته قضاوت کنند فقر میان آنها رواج یابد و کسانی که بی عفتی میان آنها رواج یابد مرگ ناگهانی میان آنها شایع شود و کسانی که کم فروشی پیشه کنند به قحط دچار شوند و کسانی که زکات ندهند به خشکسالی مبتلا گردند
»نهج الفصاحه حدیث شماره  ١۴۵٧

  • Shia Muslim
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Congratulations on birthday of the  Prophet Mohammad (12 or 17 Rabi' AlAwwal) and unity week between Muslims.
Also congratulations on birthday of the Prophet Jesus Christ that this year coincided with birth of Prophet of Islam. We hope Imam Mahdi make Muslims and Christians unite together, because Imam Mahdi's mother was a christian before marriage.
O Allah send peace upon Muhammad and his Ahle-Beyt and expedite their appearance.

اللهمّ صَلِّ علی مُحمَّـدٍ وَ آلِ محمَّـدٍ وَ عجـل فَرَجهــم

خدایا بر محمد و اهل بیتش درود فرست و فرج ایشان را نزدیک فرما

  • Shia Muslim
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Tomorrow is 17 Rabi'AlAwwal (Arabic Calendar). According to some documents specially from Shia Muslims, in this day, the holy Prophet Muhammad (SAWA) was born. Sunni Muslims however say that the prophet was born in 12 of Rabi'.
Congratulations on unity week

Imam Khomeini declared the days between 12 and 17 Rabi' as the week of unity and friendship between Muslims. So accept my deep congratulations on the birth of the Holy Prophet #Muhammad (SAWA) and start of the #unity and #friendship week between Muslims.
Congratulations on Unity Week and birth of the prophet

Our leader, Imam Khamenei always emphasize on the unity between Muslims and respecting each others. In a lecture at 05/19/2009, Ayatollah Khamenei said:
The enemy is hoping to pitch the followers of different Islamic denominations against one another. Nobody must give in to this spiteful plot of the enemy. They want to incite #Shia against #Sunni and Sunni against Shia. They want to sow spite and suspicion in the hearts of #Muslims. That was why I declared that disrespect for each other's beliefs forms the red lines from an Islamic point of view and from our perspective. Those who disrespect what is held sacred in an Islamic denomination, be it Sunni or Shia #Islam, do not know what they are doing. These acts of desecration provide the enemy with the best means. These are the red lines.
Shia and Sunni Muslims have their own religious ceremonies, rituals, duties, and tendencies, and they must follow their own principles. But under no circumstances should Shia or Sunni Muslims disrespect what the other denomination holds sacred. Some Shia or Sunni Muslims say certain things due to their lack of vigilance and reject one another. That is exactly what the enemy wants.
  • Shia Muslim