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Arbaeen 2016 - Ashura 40th - Start of the Road Najaf-Karbala |
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Arbaeen 2016 - Ashura 40th - Largest International Gathering |
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Arbaeen 2016 - Ashura 40th - Start of the Road Najaf-Karbala |
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Arbaeen 2016 - Ashura 40th - Largest International Gathering |
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100 Years old man walking lots of kilometers towards karbala - Arbaeen 2014 |
In the name of Allah, the Entirely Merciful, the Especially Merciful
Like your body your mind also gets tired so refresh it by wise sayings. Imam Ali (AS)
Every Muslim like to get more familiar with the culture of the Prophet Muhammad (SAWA) and his Ahle-Beyt (AS). However, our modern living doesn't allow every one to have regular religious readings. Today we are more accustomed to the digital world, and prefer to sit behind our PC or tablet and read the concise digital documents instead of large and heavy paper books.
Bayyenat is a wallpaper manager software, developed for the windows OS in order to expand the religious knowledge. In Bayyenat, every wallpaper is decorated with a Hadith (saying) from the Prophet Muhammad (SAWA) or one of his successors (Caliphs). You can set a path for wallpapers and another path for the narrations text file and Bayyenat will merge the two and produce an interesting wallpaper. You can set the program to change the wallpaper in specified intervals. Moreover you can change several attributes of the Hadith and its English translation, like: font, color, shadow, position in the desktop and its background. Finally you may select the Arabic text to be shown or not; to this end, set the Arabic font size to 0. The same can happened for English text.
The current release of the Bayyenat contains about 3200 narrations from the Prophet Muhammad (SAWA). These Hadiths are taken from the Nahj-ol-Fasaha book. In the near future, several verses from Qoran and various hadiths from other sources such as Nahj-ol-Balagha and other important books of Shia and Sunni like Osule-Kafi and Vasael-Alshia of Shia and Sahihe-Bukhari and Sahihe-Muslim of Sunni will be added.
Please let me benefit from your valuable comments. To contact me, use the comments of this page or send your email to hossein41 {at} GMAIL {dot} com
Download Bayyenat 4.6 Free Hadith Wallpaper Manager
I was searching web for the phrase "Shia Islam" and unexpectedly I found an image saying Shias are not Muslims!!
It was in a website from DAESH (ISIS) that are roots of terror in the world and destroyed the human face of Islam. DAESH people are Wahhabis, the followers of Bani Ummayyah who killed Imam Hussein (as), grand son of the Prophet Muhammad (sawa) and master of the youth of Heaven.
Now these wild and ugly-face people say that Shia are Kafir! So funny.
Shia believes in Allah and prophecy of Muhammad (sawa). They also believe in the day of Judgement. They pray towards Kaba and have the same Quran as other Muslims. So they are Muslims. Furthermore there are a lot of documents in Sunni books which say Shia are right. If you read historical books and some correspondence between scholars of Shia and Sunni, e.g. AlMurajiat or Nights of Pishavar you will simply find the truth. ValiAsr website has a lot of proof for Shia from Sunni sources.
Tabarani, a Sunni scholar says in his book Mujam AlOsat that prophet said: O Ali, you and your Shias are in the Heaven.
Previously in this blog, five simple proofs for Shia are provided (+) Also one of several Quranic reasons for Shia Islam is provided here: Shia Proof from Quran. Moreover hundreds of proofs can be found searching the web for the words Proof of Shia Islam or Why Shia is True...
Dear Muslims or Non Muslims who are trying to find the truth about Islam, PLEASE research before decision. READ Islamic books like Quran, Nahjulbalagha and Historical books directly not from unknown weblogs or unreliable sites. Moreover, note that Shia countries like Iran never started a war against other countries, and never conducted terrorist attacks against peaceful people. Note that all terrorist groups currently active in the world of Islam like DAESH, ALSHABA, ALQIDA, ALNUSRA, ... are Sunni extremist or Wahhabis not Shia. Open your eyes and be careful. Western media want to corrupt the face of Islam, so they create, grow and support terrorist groups within Muslims and they never say good news about Shia Muslims so that the axis of resistance against arrogance and Israel be weakened.
Prophet Muhammad (sawa):
Five matters result when (another) five things
happen: If people break their covenant (with Allaah), He’ll appoint (or
send) their enemies against them; if they judge by other than what
Allaah has revealed, poverty will be spread among them; If Faahishah (unmarried relationships) is
manifest among them, sudden death will be spread among them; If they become
deceptive in trade, He will deprive them of crops and they’ll be struck
with famine; And if they withhold the payment of Zakah, they will be
struck with drought.
»رسول خدا (صلی الله علیه و آله و سلم)
خمس بخمس ما نقض قوم العهد
إلّا سلّط علیهم عدوّهم و ما حکموا بغیر ما أنزل اللَّه إلّا فشا فیهم
الفقر و لا ظهرت فیهم الفاحشه إلا فشا فیهم الموت و لا طفّفوا المکیال إلّا
منعوا النّبات و أخذوا بالسّنین و لا منعوا الزّکاه إلّا حبس عنهم القطر