All Muslims, Shia and Sunni, fast during the month of
Ramadan (Ramazan), i.e. they eat something, called Sahari, before Azan
of morning prayer (about 1:30 hour to sunshine) and then don't eat
anything during daylight hours until Azan Maghrib (about 15 minutes
after sunset). They also must not drink, have intimate relations, swim,
etc. After Azan Maghrib, they break their fast (Iftar).
Now, the question is Why do Muslims Fast during Ramadan?
Simple answer is that it is Wajib(obligatory) in Islam for healthy adults according to Quran(2:183):
O you who have believed, decreed upon you is fasting as it was decreed upon those before you that you may become righteous -
However, it has several advantages which some of them are described in Hadith of Miraj in where the prophet Muhammad(pbuh) ascended to the heaven and talked with Allah:
The Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) asked Allah: O God! What is the start of worship? He said: start of worship is fasting and silence. My Lord! What is the effect of fasting? Said: fasting leads to wisdom and wisdom leads to knowledge and knowledge leads to certainty; and when a person comes to the position of certainty, it’s no matter, his life is easy or difficult
Part of Hadith Meraj, BiharAlanvar, V 74, P 27
Recently we constructed an Instagram page to share the pure beliefs of Shia called @Shia.Truth. Some recent posts are shown here (Click on them for better resolution):
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In the name of Allah
It is reported through authentic sources that Imam Ali ibn Al-Hussein (AS) used to recite the following Salavat every day in
Sha`ban at the time sun passes the merdian (waqt-e-Zawal) and on the
night of 15th Sha`ban. The salawat is as follows:
Its about 50 days that another war is conducted by the puppets of USA and Israel in the Middle East. Saudi Arabia started a child killing war on a great nation, Yemen, only because they said no to alien interventions and decided to make an independent Islamic country.
Just like the other cases in Iraq, Syria and Lebanon, the US, EU and some Arab media started the propaganda that we want to return the legal government to Yemen and repel the Houthi rebels!! However Iran is making intervention in Yemen and prevent us from peaceful operations in Yemen! Another joke :)
The truth is that everyday tens of children and women are killed in Yemen and eyes of media are closed on them because no country must wake up and ask for independence. All countries in the world must be under supervision of America (they still think they are a sheriff!) and if some country like Iran or Yemen take another scenario they must be imposed with sanctions or war!
A common attribute of all countries under attack is that they are Shia Muslims (Syria, Iraq, Lebanon, Yemen, Bahrain) and USA fears from Shia Muslims. They experienced a Shia revolution in Iran by Imam Khomeini in 1979 which is standing against arrogance for about 37 years. Neither 8-year war stopped them nor hard sanctions. They fear that another Islamic revolution take places in Yemen, Bahrain, etc.